Navigating the SmartMAP Map

When SmartMAP is accessed, users are brought to the SmartMAP map. At the default zoom level, very little information is displayed on the map. Zooming in on the map will cause information (building tiles, hydrants, and preplans) to be presented. Selecting the SmartMAP menu hamburger menu will reveal the SmartMAP Search, along with easy access to support information and user documentation.

Active building tiles—tiles that can be selected to show building tile information, as well as the nearest hydrants—are displayed in orange, offsetting them from the map's grey background. Selecting an active building tile—either by tapping or clicking the desired tile, or by using the SmartMAP Search—will place an incident marker and present critical information for that building within a incident info panel, including fire flow calculations, the overhead satellite view, the closest hydrants, the SmartMAP Measure Tool, Layers Tool, and any relevant preplans.
Note: Inactive tiles (building tiles for which APX was not provided data) are displayed in grey, and are not selectable.
Hydrant locations are represented by hydrant icon placed on the map. When an active building tile is selected, nearby hydrants will be automatically selected, allowing further hydrant data (e.g. flow rates, main sizes) to be viewed.

Selecting the SmartMAP Marker button marker menu will reveal the marker menu, allowing users to manually add incident markers and/or text markers to the map. When an incident marker is added to the map, a button will appear in the marker label, allowing users to reveal nearby hydrants and preplans.

Available preplans are represented by building icons placed on the map. If more than one preplan is located at the same location, they are represented by multiple buildings icons. Selecting a preplan icon will reveal information about the selected preplan, and will allow selection. Depending on the zoom level of the map, preplan icons may either appear in their specific location or be aggregated into colored, enumerated clusters.

Map Clusters

Preplan icons are grouped by SmartMAP into clusters when the map is zoomed out. The number of preplans within a cluster is displayed numerically, and clusters are also color-coded in the following manner:
  • Blue: fewer than 100
  • Yellow: 100-749
  • Red: 750 or more