Managing Users

From the CityScape Admin interface, Organization Admin users can manage user accounts for both the SmartCapture and SmartInspect applications. User accounts can be created—either by an Admin or by an activation link sent by an Admin to a phone number or Email address—and assigned account roles within available CityScape applications. Admin users are also able to modify user account passwords from the Admin interface, and can also delete user accounts.

User management functions are accessible within CityScape Admin from the Accounts tab.

Topics covered in this section include creating new user accounts, assigning user account roles, changing user account passwords, and deleting users.

Note: SmartView and SmartTrainer user accounts are managed differently than user accounts given roles for SmartCapture or SmartInspect. For SmartView, users require a security certificate that is supplied by APX. For SmartTrainer, user accounts are created and managed directly from the LMS running SmartTrainer.