To Install a SmartMAP Certificate on Windows (Mozilla Firefox)

This procedure details the steps for installing a SmartMAP certificate on a Windows device, for use with Mozilla Firefox.
  1. Open Firefox
  2. In the top right of the browser window, select Gear Icon
    The browser settings will open.
    Tip: You can also open the browser settings by navigating to about:preferences using the address bar.
  3. In the Settings menu, select Privacy & Security
  4. In the Privacy & Security section, select View Certificates, located under Certificates
  5. Select Import
    A Windows Explorer window will open.
  6. Select the desired certificate
  7. Select Open
  8. Enter the certificate password
    Tip: Please contact APX if you require a certificate password.
  9. Select OK
    An alert will appear.
  10. Select OK
A SmartMAP certificate has been successfully installed on Windows for Mozilla Firefox.