To Uninstall a SmartMAP Certificate on Windows (Mozilla Firefox)

This procedure details the steps for uninstalling a SmartMAP certificate on a Windows device, for use with Mozilla Firefox.
Note: The following information assumes use of Windows 10. For other OS versions, the steps may vary slightly.
  1. Select the Windows Icon to open the application menu
    Tip: If the taskbar's Search is displayed, you can use it to search for Firefox. Alternatively, a taskbar shortcut can be used if available.
  2. Open Firefox
    The Firefox browser will open.
  3. In the top right of the browser window, select Gear Icon
    The browser settings will open.
    Tip: You can also open the browser settings by navigating to about:preferences using the address bar.
  4. In the Settings menu, select Privacy & Security
  5. In the Privacy & Security section, select View Certificates, located under Certificates
  6. In the Certificate Manager window, select the certificate to be removed
  7. Select Delete
    An alert will appear.
  8. Select OK
A SmartMAP certificate has been successfully removed from a Windows device using Mozilla Firefox.