Viewing Organization Activity Reports

CityScape Admin allows users to access a dashboard that displays any activity for the organization for a given period of time. Activity reports can be accessed from the Dashboard option within the SmartCapture SmartCapture tab. A pair of selectors allows users to configure the month and year for the reports, and a third selector allows users to choose between displaying daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly building activity across the organization: a list will be displayed based upon the parameters selected. From this list, users can select an activity report for a given period; this activity report will then show the number of buildings created or updated, the size of the database (number of buildings, number of images, and amount of data in bytes), and will also detail the buildings created or updated (including which users made changes).

Activity reports can also be setup to be sent via email. Email report configuration is accessible from the Settings option located within the SmartCapture SmartCapture tab. Report emails can be configured to be sent daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.