To Configure Activity Report Emails

This procedure details the steps in CityScape Admin for configuring activity report emails.
  1. If necessary, navigate to CityScape Admin
  2. Select SmartCapture SmartCapture
    The List View will be presented.
    Note: By default, the List View appears when the SmartCapture tab is selected.
  3. In the SmartCapture menu, select Settings
  4. Select the Checkboxes checkboxes to specify if report emails should be sent daily, weekly, monthly, and/or yearly
  5. In the Timezone Selector selector, select the correct timezone
    Note: Selecting the correct timezone will ensure that the emails are sent at an appropriate time.
  6. In the Email Address field, enter the email address to which the email reports should be sent
  7. Select Save
Activity report emails have been successfully configured using CityScape Admin.